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Trump Re-election Accountability Project: List of Legislators Who Can Vote for Trump Electors

These Republican legislators in Arizona, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia hold the power to push the Trump/Pence ticket over the top. These states have Republican majorities in both houses of their legislatures. Their election procedures and integrity of their elections are in question. It appears that substantial Democrat corruption has provided enough illegal votes or suppressed enough Trump votes to give the appearance of a Biden victory.

Legislatures have the power to choose the electors and should do so in these cases. If courts require evidence that was destroyed by the Democrats in order to correct the results, they might not act. Legislatures do not need that standard of evidence. Even if they just think there was corruption based on their experience as legislators and citizens, they are empowered to act. This is a safeguard against clever criminals who cover their tracks well.

It will require almost all of the Republican legislators in these states to convene their legislatures and vote to have the Trump/Pence electors selected to vote for President and Vice President.

I am tracking EVERY Republican legislator here and will provide updates as I get them up to once per day. I am hoping all Republicans will contact these legislators and urge them to support convening their legislatures and voting for the Trump/Pence slate of electors. This is the Trump Re-election Accountability Project (TRAP).

I have provided the name of EVERY Republican legislator in those states along with contact information or links to contact information. Please call and email these legislators. I would also like to hear back from legislators what their positions are. I will update my data and publish updates. We need to make sure our Republican legislators are doing their jobs, protecting the Constitution, supporting an honest election process, and supporting our interests. Those that won't should be remembered, and my record of their positions will help with that.

The Republican legislators in these states are now put in a position where they have to stand up bravely and be counted on. This has happened to many patriots in the past who put their lives on the line by bravely standing up to enemies under difficult circumstances of battle and risking death or gruesome wounds. All these legislators need to do is cast votes in the comfort of their legislative chambers. They have no excuse to abandon President Trump, honest elections, Republican voters, and liberty.

One principled Arizona legislator replied to an email I sent that he was sympathetic to electing Donald Trump's electors through the legislature, but that the Arizona Constitution and statutes prevented the legislature from taking any meaningful action. My reply is that may be the case with other elections, but not for selecting the Presidential Electors. The US Constitution overrides any restrictions imposed by state constitutions or statutes. The US Constitution specifically gives legislatures the right to choose how Presidential Electors are selected. Taking action might generate court challenges, but this should be taken all the way to the US Supreme Court, if necessary, where action by the legislature would likely prevail. The legislature should still act. If it doesn't, it means surrendering without a fight that has a better than even chance of success.

A majority leader in one of the legislative bodies said that Republican legislators are committed to upholding the law. Unfortunately, when there are widespread election irregularities and open violations of state election laws, it becomes less clear what it means to support the law. This is especially true since the US Constitution specifically gives the legislature the right to appoint Presidential Electors. This supersedes state constitutions, state statutes, and Federal statutes, and many of those are inconsistent with the US Constitution on the issue of Presidential electors. This has not been tested in court because election law violations and fraud have not previously been as widespread and critical to the outcome of a presidential election. It's time for Republican legislators to ACT and FIGHT rather than simply hold hearings and demand audits. The "law" isn't established yet on legislative ACTION until state legislatures ACT. Limits on state legislatures regarding Presidential Electors based solely on enacting laws subject to the normal legislative process are probably not constitutional. Federal laws requiring Congress to defer to slates of electors certified by the governor of a state rather than by the legislature are also unconstitutional.

So far, only one Republican legislator has responded positively. The rest either have not noticed my email, are cowering behind their administrative assistants hoping this will go away soon, or oppose taking action. It is likely that Republican legislative leaders are opposed to taking action or are afraid to and Republican legislators are taking their cues from them. It will take a lot of emails and calls to get action from these state legislators. Republican Party leaders should also be contacted and urged to press the legislators to act.

Stealing a presidential election through illegal election operations and/or outright fraud cannot be tolerated if we want our country to have a chance of remaining free.

The data is in this Google Docs spreadsheet ( The text list has been removed from this post. Only the Google Doc spreadsheet is available. It is much easier to use than having the text embedded in this post.

You can update me by replying to this post.

A summary of the positions of the legislators is shown here. Only one legislator has responded positively so far.

Y = Legislator has confirmed support for voting for Trump Electors in legislature

N = Legislator has not confirmed support for voting for Trump Electors in legislature when asked

? = Waiting up to 2 business days for legislator to respond

Count - State

Supports Voting for Trump Electors


Legislative Body



Total Result








































Total Result





2020-12-07 - A couple of additional legislators are taking action to support reversing the election fraud.

2020-11-30 - Some Pennsylvania legislators are trying to pass a resolution calling out corruption in the election and challenging its legitimacy. The resolution is weak because it does not appoint the Trump slate of electors, but it is better than any other legislators are doing. At least they are showing some backbone!

2020-11-19 - One legislator from Pennsylvania has replied that he will support taking legislative action to prevent the election from being stolen. With any luck, others will also work with him on this. All legislator responses have been posted.

2020-11-17 - North Carolina legislators removed from project because Trump is projected winner there, there are no significant reports of fraud, and there is no useful action the legislators can take in this year's presidential election.


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