Free societies do not become tyrannies overnight. Would be dictators take small steps toward tyranny until they are stopped or they enslave their citizens.
The entire airport security fiasco which, in fact, provides very little actual security is being used to bully Americans into accepting government rule over our lives. In the name of security, the government is trampling on our civil rights and is treating us as subjects rather than free citizens. Even worse, these same virtually useless draconian measures will be expanded to every place the Department of Homeland Security will not be forbidden from putting them including public transportation - all in the name of protecting us.
There are two recent news stories illustrate that the Department of Homeland Security is out of control and is a direct threat to our freedom.
An airline pilot made a video showing the foolishness of TSA airport security when there are many more vulnerabilities due to ground crews who don't go through the same security that flight crews and passengers go through. Ground crews service the aircraft, load baggage, and replenish food and beverages among their other responsibilities. Are passenger nude x-rays and intimate pat-down searches providing additional security even close to the loss of dignity they impose when ground crews with even greater access to the aircraft are subject to less inspection? His house was raided by 6 armed government thugs masquerading as law enforcement officials. Here is the news story.
At the airport in Austin, TX, a woman asserting her constitutional right to not be subject to an unreasonable search was brutally arrested and publicly humiliated when she failed to submit to a pat-down search. The woman has an implanted medical device that sets off the metal detectors at security. The nude x-ray machines were not functioning at that time due to a technical problem. The woman was forced to submit to a pat down search. By the way, the woman had been raped and did not want her body touched by strangers. She asked to be wanded, but that was refused. She said she would consent to be patted down, but did not want her breasts touched. That was refused. Police threw her on the ground, hand cuffed her, and dragged her about 25 feet in the airport in front of other passengers. What is even more galling than all this, is that two other women passengers were interviewed and said they were sorry for the woman, but these things are necessary to keep us safe. Those two women are not worthy of their American citizenship! People like that make it easy for power hungry tyrants to impose tyranny on the rest of us. Read the news account here.
These are clearly acts of intimidation meant to pressure citizens to quietly accept tyranny at the hands of government officials. If our members of Congress do not take action quickly, we will continue the descent to despotism. Congress must abolish, or at least de-fund if abolition cannot immediately be accomplished , the Department of Homeland Security. This department was unwisely created by the Bush administration, is being abused by the Obama administration, and needs to be eliminated. Its very existence is a threat to citizens exercising their rights. Apparently, it is also NOT much of threat to the people it is supposed to be protecting us against. It is both a dangerous and useless organization for an America that wants to stay free.
The entire airport security fiasco which, in fact, provides very little actual security is being used to bully Americans into accepting government rule over our lives. In the name of security, the government is trampling on our civil rights and is treating us as subjects rather than free citizens. Even worse, these same virtually useless draconian measures will be expanded to every place the Department of Homeland Security will not be forbidden from putting them including public transportation - all in the name of protecting us.
There are two recent news stories illustrate that the Department of Homeland Security is out of control and is a direct threat to our freedom.
An airline pilot made a video showing the foolishness of TSA airport security when there are many more vulnerabilities due to ground crews who don't go through the same security that flight crews and passengers go through. Ground crews service the aircraft, load baggage, and replenish food and beverages among their other responsibilities. Are passenger nude x-rays and intimate pat-down searches providing additional security even close to the loss of dignity they impose when ground crews with even greater access to the aircraft are subject to less inspection? His house was raided by 6 armed government thugs masquerading as law enforcement officials. Here is the news story.
At the airport in Austin, TX, a woman asserting her constitutional right to not be subject to an unreasonable search was brutally arrested and publicly humiliated when she failed to submit to a pat-down search. The woman has an implanted medical device that sets off the metal detectors at security. The nude x-ray machines were not functioning at that time due to a technical problem. The woman was forced to submit to a pat down search. By the way, the woman had been raped and did not want her body touched by strangers. She asked to be wanded, but that was refused. She said she would consent to be patted down, but did not want her breasts touched. That was refused. Police threw her on the ground, hand cuffed her, and dragged her about 25 feet in the airport in front of other passengers. What is even more galling than all this, is that two other women passengers were interviewed and said they were sorry for the woman, but these things are necessary to keep us safe. Those two women are not worthy of their American citizenship! People like that make it easy for power hungry tyrants to impose tyranny on the rest of us. Read the news account here.
These are clearly acts of intimidation meant to pressure citizens to quietly accept tyranny at the hands of government officials. If our members of Congress do not take action quickly, we will continue the descent to despotism. Congress must abolish, or at least de-fund if abolition cannot immediately be accomplished , the Department of Homeland Security. This department was unwisely created by the Bush administration, is being abused by the Obama administration, and needs to be eliminated. Its very existence is a threat to citizens exercising their rights. Apparently, it is also NOT much of threat to the people it is supposed to be protecting us against. It is both a dangerous and useless organization for an America that wants to stay free.