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It’s War – Republicans Need to Fight

No objective observer can believe that the presidential election was conducted honestly or with integrity in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, or Nevada. This included late changes in election procedures, counting late votes, and counting harvested and other illegal votes. In many cases, Republican poll watchers were prevented from observing the vote counting process which, alone, sufficiently taints the integrity of the election process enough to invalidate the results. The vote results in these states should be challenged.

Democrats and their allies in the main stream media and big tech are claiming Biden won even though the recounts and court challenges have not fully resolved the election. They prevented Republicans from making victory claims about Trump through their censorship, and even announced in advance that they would block premature claims of victory. Of course, their censorship only applies to Trump and his supporters.

Some court challenges may be successful, but courts often require direct evidence of election fraud beyond a reasonable doubt in order for Republicans to win. Sadly and immorally, Republicans are held to higher standards than Democrats in most courts in order to prove their cases and win them by biased judges. In a just world, the election procedures wouldn’t have been altered to favor Democrat fraud by executive actions and the courts, and courts would already be reversing the fraudulent Biden victories and switching them to Trump victories.

Republicans cannot depend on the courts for justice. At the Supreme Court, Republicans might get 5-4 decisions favoring Trump being re-elected, but lower courts and corrupt state courts in the corruptly run states will likely corruptly rule against Trump as they have in the past.

The US Constitution specifically states that the state legislatures determine how to appoint the electors for President. The state legislatures of Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Georgia are Republican controlled. In addition, the Arizona state legislature is Republican controlled.

Bill Clinton, after committing perjury about his relationship with Monica Lewinsky, is quoted as saying, “We just have to win.” Even though he had violated the law and deserved to be removed from office and go to prison, Clinton decided to “win” instead of face justice. Given that Trump and America were cheated by the Democrats in this election, it is even more important that Trump “win” this election to achieve justice. We have to use every tool at our disposal. Also, we have to treat this as the civil war that it is rather than some good natured game. Fighting a war means using all means necessary to defeat a vicious, unprincipled foe and those standing with the enemy.

Republicans need to get the legislatures of Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Georgia to convene and appoint the Trump/Pence slate as the electors for their states. This would reverse the election fraud in those states and create a just outcome. 

In addition, if the Arizona count goes against Trump or the Democrat Secretary of State tries to certify the election for Biden, the Arizona legislature should convene to appoint the Trump/Pence slate of electors to represent Arizona to challenge the election fraud in Nevada where the Republicans don’t control the legislature. This is war. Even though the Arizona vote might be legitimately counted, the objective is no longer to be “fair,” it is to “win” in the immortal words of Bill Clinton. 

The Democrats might scream in rage, but they have no legitimacy objecting.

Every Republican elected official and party leader should be calling for these state legislators to convene and appoint the Trump/Pence electors. Any Republican not actively calling for this and supporting it should be targeted for removal from office at the first opportunity. Any Republican congratulating Biden on his “victory” should be targeted as a top priority. Mitt Romney, for example, should face a primary challenge and should be censured by the Utah Republican Party. 

Any Republican legislator in the states mentioned above who do not vote for selecting the Trump/Pence slate of electors should be challenged in any primary they enter in the future and should effectively be drummed out of the Republican Party. Every Republican US Senator, US Representative, and governor should be calling for this; those that don’t should be challenged in a primary the next time they run and denied legislative leadership positions immediately.

Democrats started this fight with biased news coverage, social media censorship, election procedures inviting fraud, and actual election fraud. Republicans need to finish this fight by getting our state legislators to award the electors to Trump and win the presidency. It would be unpatriotic for us to let Democrats who lie, cheat, and steal get away with stealing the presidency in broad daylight and pretending nothing untoward ever happened. This is one of the opening salvos of a civil war against our constitutional republic by leftists.

Republicans who want to be “nice” instead of fight to win are no longer needed.


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