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TSA is even more out of control

While trying to get to my airplane for a flight from Minneapolis back to Phoenix, I had an encounter with a TSA agent that proves what many of us thought about the TSA mentality. When I told her that conducting searches like they do is unconstitutional and that they are violating the 4th amendment to the constitution, she said that it was government policy, she is just following orders, and that we all report to the same boss. I reminded her that her bosses in the government are either elected or appointed government officials, so, unless citizens are actually subjects of the government, they are NOT my bosses. In fact, I am one of their bosses. She quickly back pedalled away from her "report to the same boss" remark, but it seems obvious that TSA officials regard Americans as subjects rather than citizens. This attitude undoubtedly flows downward from the top - Obama and Napolitano. In fact, Napolitano was once overheard saying how Americans should be grateful because no other government gives their citizens more rights than the United States. Apparently, she does not agree with the Declaration of Independence which clearly states that our rights come from our creator and that government is instituted to protect them. If the government gives us our rights, then it can take them away as Obama, Napolitano, and the TSA have been doing.

In a incident from last June, I started recording the goings on in a TSA line at O'Hare airport because a snotty female TSA agent was harrassing a woman traveller. She pointed out to another agent that I was recording, and that agent tried to intimidate me into stopping my recording. He got into my face and asked if I would "do him a favor" by stopping the recording. I asked him if he would to me a favor by letting me go through security without getting molested. He repeated his request. I then asked him if recording is illegal. He just walked away.

TSA agents are basically just bullies with no respect for American citizens. They cling to the illusion that they are protecting Americans, but it seems to me they are more interested in protecting their jobs and push people around. If Americans had a choice of selecting airlines that provided security that was less intrusive, more convenient, and lower priced compared to that provided by the TSA, it would be interesting to see how many people would switch away from the TSA affiliated airlines.

Now that we know terrorists would likely crash rather than just hijack an airplane, most of the security precautions are stupid and ineffective. Having reinforced cockpit doors and armed pilots will allow almost any plane to land safely if a hijacking attempt is made. In addition, hijackers will not quietly sit by when an aircraft hijacking is attempted. Even the underwear and shoe bombers were subdued by passengers - the TSA had nothing to do with stopping them.

The TSA should be dumped and airlines and airports should hire private security to protect their passengers, crews, and equipment.


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