In the Presidential Debate tonight, President Trump should turn the tables on Joe Biden. Do you remember the ridiculous question in the first debate asking Trump to denounce White Supremacy groups as if there were any doubt on his position? Trump has denounced them consistently and clearly. In fact, the question should have been directed at Joe Biden who has worked closely with KKK leader Robert Byrd in the Senate as well as other White Supremacists and regularly uses bigoted language. Trump, when he inevitably gets a question like that should not even answer it. Instead, he should point to his consistent record against racism, admonish the moderator for being sloppy by not referencing those statements, and tell the moderator he should be asking Joe Biden that question. Mention Joe Biden’s friendships with KKK and other racist senators. Reference Joe’s language such as “whether you are poor or white” and “there is little diversity in the black community” with respect to cul...
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