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GOP Must Make Stand for Election Integrity

 The Presidential election will officially be over when the January 6, 2021 session of Congress to count electoral votes is concluded.

Many key Republican elected officials have been a major disappointment in this election cycle. This includes legislators, governors, and secretaries of state.

Republican legislatures in Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin failed to take strong action to appoint the Trump/Pence slate of electors and negate the appointment of Biden/Harris electors on the grounds of unlawfully implemented voting regulations or outright election fraud. Any honest count of the legitimate votes in those states would have given the election to Trump in every one of them.

Other elected officials such as Governor Doug Ducey of Arizona, Governor Brian Kemp of Georgia, and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger of Georgia presided over, tolerated, and certified Democrats stealing the presidential election right under their noses.

President Trump failed to have the Justice Department ready to intervene at the first sign of election fraud on election day. US marshals should have been ready to deploy to election sites and vote counting centers using force, if needed, to counter the force employed by local Democrats to cover election fraud. This includes using US marshals to force local governments to allow Republican election observers in vote counting centers and securing ballot counting locations to prevent fraudulent ballots from being brought in and counted.

The US Supreme Court and lower federal courts and state courts acted improperly by not allowing legitimate challenges to corrupt elections to even get a hearing in court. The courts turned a blind eye to obvious illegalities in the “official” voting procedures as well as obvious election fraud. Apparently, justice is truly blind when leftists and RINOs are breaking the law in a way that favors the left.

Challenges to the electors in Congress will fail because the House of Representatives is controlled by Democrats and will support the Democrat slates of electors regardless of any evidence of illegal conduct or outright fraud. Even if Republicans in the Senate manage to get 51 votes in favor of a challenge, the current law states that the slate of electors sent by the executive authority of the state will be used if the two houses of Congress disagree. Since Republican legislators failed to file a lawsuit to get this provision of the law ruled unconstitutional, the law will give Biden the electors since the House of Representatives will vote for those electors. The law could be challenged because the Constitution gives the legislatures power to appoint electors – not the executive authority of a state. However, without a legal challenge, the unconstitutional law will stand. Given the cowardice of the US Supreme Court, it is likely that they would do whatever they could to avoid ruling on a lawsuit or would rule against Republican legislators anyway. However, Republican legislators should have filed the lawsuit to do everything THEY could to prevent the election from being stolen.

The only way that President Trump can win the presidency on the January 6, 2021 session of Congress is for Democrats to develop a conscience. There is no way that will happen.

Another route to victory would be very aggressive and could trigger a civil war immediately rather than later. President Trump could order arrests of Democrat and RINO members of Congress on felony charges of some sort such as espionage or accepting bribes and hold them in custody until the certification of electors and counting their votes was completed. The President could arrest enough Democrats and RINOs ensure that he would have majorities voting in both houses of Congress. This would be an unprecedented use of Presidential power, but could be legally justified based on Chinese involvement with Democrats (and some Republicans). In effect, this would allow the President to steal back the election from Democrats who have stolen the election with illegal voting. After all, the brazen illegalities and fraud used by Democrats to steal the election are also unprecedented in their scale if not the individual acts. From a moral perspective, there is no problem with this since the Democrats took morality out of the election process with their illegal election activities. This would result in significant rioting, but the President would have to take off the kid gloves when dealing with rioters at this point. If he would not forcefully put down riots, there is no point in even going down this route. There would also be possible court challenges, but forceful persuasion of cowardly justices, especially after forcefully putting down riots, could result in the court refusing to hear the case or ruling in the President’s favor. If you are going to steal back the election, you need to commit to that course of action without any reservation.

The likely outcome of Congress counting the electoral votes is that Biden will win the Presidential election. Republicans should file objections to the contested slates of electors and make a record showing why they believe Biden’s election is illegitimate. Republicans cannot take this theft lying down with no objections if they hope to be taken seriously in the future by anyone of any party. In fact, any Republican members of Congress not supporting the challenges should be targeted for primaries or other actions to remove them from office, and they should never get Republican support again. This is the very least Republicans can do. If the Republican Party does not disavow Republicans who vote against the challenges, then the Republican Party will be dead even if it still runs around for a while like a chicken with its head cut off.


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