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A Conservative Plan to Restore Normalcy

Bypass the Bureaucracy

The key to getting our society and economy back to normal is to bypass bureaucrats and politicians standing in the way and stop enabling those who want to keep the country shut down.

First, President Trump should use his emergency powers to make hydroxycloroquine an over the counter (OTC) drug instead of available by prescription only. Many countries already do this. Since the drug is fairly harmless when used according to directions – probably less dangerous than aspirin – it should already have been designated as OTC. This order will bypass the FDA’s policies as well as state medical and pharmacy boards. This must be accompanied by assuring a stable, plentiful supply from Indian companies which are the largest producers of this drug. Building some domestic production capacity is something to consider as well under the War Production Act. Wide availability of hydroxycloroquine will allow people to use it to protect against and treat COVID-19. This should make most people more comfortable about resuming a normal life including going back to work, houses of worship, and maybe even socializing with friends.

Second, Republicans should forget about any more stimulus packages. The best stimulus package is to get everyone back to work, school, and normal life. Stimulus plans provide funding to subsidize staying shut down. They are counterproductive and spend huge sums the government and country just don’t have. Leaving that debt for future generations is immoral – and the spending will make matters worse too. Large government spending programs tend to be inefficient and wasteful in addition to usually being bad policies.

Third, President Trump must deploy Federal law enforcement to stop rioters across the country. If necessary, military units should be deployed to neutralize rioters. Some of the rioters are heavily armed and very violent making them more suitably dealt with as enemy combatants rather than criminals. The President should not threaten to do this; he should just do it under the insurrection act. Any mayors, governors, or other officials interfering with restoring order should be detained and their local police forces should be placed under the direction of Federal officials until rioters are successfully neutralized. It is impossible to have a normal functioning society while rioters are a threat to peaceful citizens and law and order are broken down. It is unacceptable to have mayors and governors tolerating repeated widespread violent criminal behavior and insurrection and even worse when they enable or even encourage it.

Once these steps are taken, society can start getting back to normal. People can work, take care of their families, get children educated, and even start to build wealth again. A society safe from regular, extensive criminal violence where people are safe in their cities and able to work will put the country back on the right course.


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